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Our Locations
In addition to our telehealth services, we provide in-person services at the following locations:
3225 South Wadsworth, Unit T, Lakewood CO 80227
Phone: 303.231.0090
Email: change@nichange.com
Fax: 303.231.0992
5250 Leetsdale Dr. Suite 203
Denver, CO 80246
Phone: 303.231.0090
Email: change@nichange.com
Fax: 303.231.0992
We Are National Institute for Change
Executive Management

Joe Fojut
M.A., L.P.C., M.A.C.
DVOMB Provider
DV Clinical Supervisor
Philippe Marquis
M.A., L.P.C., L.A.C.
DVOMB Provider
DV Clinical Supervisor
Therapists/Peer Support Specialists
Emma Allen | emmaallen@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x313
Sammi Armagost | sammiarmagost@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x320
Lauren Broadhurst |laurenbroadhurst@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x304
Sarah Buchter |sarahbuchter@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x309
Kayla Burgwald | kaylaburgwald@nichange.com | Peer Support Specialist
Wade Cook | wadecook@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x319
Jordan Herselman | jordanherselman@nichange.com| (303) 231-0090 x352
Lydia Hoffmann, Clinical Manager | lydiahoffmann@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x345
Amanda Hua | amandahua@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x337
Julia Kuczkowski | juliakuczkowski@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x307
Ashleigh Maguire | ashleighmaguire@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x316
Alina Mitchell | alinamitchell@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x303
Kim Pineda | kimpineda@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x321
Cailey Smiley | caileysmiley@nichange.com | (303) 231-0090 x306
Ronald Thomas | ronaldthomas@nichange.com | Peer Support Specialist